Founded in 2005, Power By The Hour Performance has established itself by providing quality products and services time and time again. We started with a small facility and have relocated to several larger facilities in the past years always maintaining our location in Palm Beach County. Our team consists of Factory Ford certified technicians with years of experience in general repair, heavy repair, and diesel repair. We specialize in Ford High Performance, fabrication, and dyno tuning. Our goal is to provide the best quality service and products at competitive pricing. We offer installation and tuning for every product we offer online. If you have a specific performance goal, contact our team and we will let you know what you need to meet that goal. Currently located in Boynton Beach Fl, Power By The Hour Performance is always working to find the best products for our customers to use in all of their performance builds.
Phone: 561-737-2231
Location: Boynton Beach, Florida
- Clean and Nasty
- LIndstrom AI car
- Always covering the big events
- Hard launch
- Twin turbo
- Twin turbo
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